Eric Nilsson

About me


B.Sc. Engineering Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, 2016-2019

Various courses in Physics and Mathematics, including quantum mechanics, mathematical physics, experimental physics, and subatomic physics. A full list of courses taken, with grades, can be found here.

My average grade was 4.87/5 (\(\approx\) 3.88 GPA).

My Bachelor's thesis treated quantum computers. Me and four other students emulated a quantum computer using PyQuil, upon which we simulated and solved for the ground state energies of the Lipkin model. You can read about it here.

M.Sc. Physics, Chalmers University of Technology, 2019-2021

During my Master's I've mainly taken courses with a theoreical focus. Courses include gravitation and cosmology, quantum field theory, computational physics, condensed matter physics and string theory.

My average grade is currently 5/5 (\(=\) 4.0 GPA).

My Master's thesis concernes AdS/CFT and the holographic princple. I will solve field equations in \(d+1\)-dimensional AdS spacetime to examine properties of a dual \(d\)-dimensional CFT - eg. graphene. You can read about my Master's Thesis here.

OG story

I grew up in Arvika, a small town in western Sweden and when we started with the natural sciences in grade seven, I immediately fell in love with physics and science in general. When I stared upper seconday school, my teacher told me should study Engineering Physics and I didn't think much more about that. Now I'm finishing up my last years of University before (hopefully) starting my Ph.D.



I've started on guitar when I was ten, and now also sing and play the piano. I like jazz, soul, funk, RnB, neo-soul, City Pop etc. One day I'll publish a list here on my favourite hidden gems.

I'm also passionate about music theory. I've been asked a handful times to explain in in an intuitive way. I've noted that It's hard to find a way to explain everything in a logical order. Maybe I'll give it a try here some day.


Bodybuilding is a beatiful sport, dont @ me. I should to a list of the best, most classic pictures


I've experimented some in the kitchen. My ice cream recipe can be found here.